Aislin Freedman, Junior A semi-sentient forest that bargains for sacrifices. A mysterious, millenial old myth notoriously known as “the wolf.” Twins destined to be torn apart by a prophecy, a bargain, and a broken promise. Hannah Whitten’s debut novel is hauntingly evocative of the whispering, cruel shadows that hide behind trees and in the deep…
Author: MHS Headlight
The Rise and Fall of Stede Bonnet
Peter Sullivan, Sophomore Charleston, South Carolina Stede Bonnet, a former plantation owner turned pirate, was hanged there on December 10, 1718, after being found guilty of piracy and other crimes. Bonnet, who had no previous experiences as either a criminal or a seaman, gained notoriety as a pirate captain during the early 18th century, often…
Nightstrider by Sophia Slade
Katherine Jenkins, Senior Back in sophmore year, I was scrolling on the internet and came across Sophia Slade and became incredibly interested in her trilogy Vinyl. When I was finally able to start, I was instantly enthralled in the world Slade had created, and I ended up reading the trilogy twice that year. Finally, Slade…
Partisan Gerrymandering
Talia Schwartz, Senior Partisan gerrymandering is a significant contemporary issue in Congress because it allows politicians to redraw state districts that favor their specific party. While this issue is bad for democracy, the Supreme Court has not intervened in decades because the courts say that partisan redistricting is a political question and therefore not one…
DramaFest 2023
Ila Bumagin, Junior Never once did I imagine going to a theater competition and having a crumpet thrown at me. But that’s exactly the beauty of theater – expect the unexpected, and accept the absurd. Marblehead High School’s Drama Department put on a production of Beowulf this weekend at METG, or DramaFest, which is a…
Discovering Vintage Computers
Michael Piper, Senior If you asked me to list my hobbies and interests two years ago, the last thing on my mind would be vintage computing. The typical pathway into vintage computing consists of being old enough to remember using BASIC, a DOS prompt, and floppy disks, but having grown up surrounded by the Internet…
Driving: From a Learner’s Perspective
Benji Boyd, Sophomore Alongside hot Dunkin coffee and an insistence on wearing flops, driving on bad roads is a classic Massachusetts winter tradition carried on throughout the generations. However, for new drivers learning to parallel park on sidewalks heaped with ice, the experience is not nearly as glamorous as it sounds. As a teenager beginning…
Teen Mental Health Crisis
Katherine Twomey, Junior A new report from the CDC containing data about the mental health of teenagers has revealed some alarming results, especially about teen girls. According to the report, almost 1⁄3 of teen girls said that they had seriously considered suicide during that year (2021), which is a nearly 60% increase from the previous…
Earth, Wind, and Fire Music Review
Benny Burns, Senior Even if you don’t know their name, you’ve probably heard some of Earth, Wind, and Fire’s music. For example, most people have heard their hit “Boogie Wonderland” or their song “September,” which calls for a yearly replay on September 21st. The group, including musicians Junior Wells, Philip Bailey, and Maurice White on…
Thoughts on the State of the Union
Zoe Gast, Senior This past Wednesday was president Biden’s second State of the Union speech and his first since the midterms, where control of the house was awarded to the Republican majority. Although this historical speech was listened to intently by families around the country, the atmosphere on the floor differed. Over Biden’s 73-minute speech,…