Benji Boyd, Sophomore There are few stories that stand the test of time. Despite ever shifting language and culture, a few timeless masterpieces of the Western world survive in renown, including the works of Shakespeare, Chaucer, and whoever wrote Dante’s Inferno. However, one of the greatest stories of the past belongs to no known author….
Author: MHS Headlight
MHS Winter Track Recap
Rachael Albert, Junior The MHS winter track team has had a crazy, successful year with multiple school records broken, athletes competing at the National Championship, and many great rookie performances. Both the boys’ and girls’ teams only lost one meet in the regular season, and both finished second place at the Northeastern Conference Championship. But…
North Shore Young Writers’ Conference
Benji Boyd, Sophomore On Friday, the third of February – yes, the one with record temperatures that had everyone over forty reminiscing about the blizzard of ‘78 – the fires were stoked in the homey halls of the Waring School as students and visitors alike ran for the doors. As the winds raged outside, a…
Update on Tensions between U.S. and China
Talia Schwartz, Senior Recently, in response to a Chinese billionaire buying 130,000 acres of land in Texas with the goal of building a wind farm, the state of Texas passed a ban on infrastructure projects that could have potential ties to China. Furthermore, to widen the ban on infrastructure connected to China, a Republican state…
Emu War Tactic
Peter Sullivan, Sophomore All throughout human history, mankind has fought against nature. From our humble beginnings as cavemen, hunting for food and developing crude tools in order to survive, to the modern day, where we struggle to combat and cure a deadly virus that has engulfed the entire planet. Nature has always opposed us humans,…
The End of Winter Track
Ethan Horgan, Sophomore Back-to-back-to-back varsity relay wins don’t come easy, but when you have an exceptional team, like Marblehead 4×200 runners, it certainly seems like it. In the most recent varsity meet, runners Thomas Carlson, Sebby Pantzer, Harrison Curtis, and Ryan Thompson, all ran spectacularly finishing first out of eight teams. While we only competed…
The Funk Will Prevail Album Review
Benny Burns, Junior Kaelin Ellis’s album THE FUNK WILL PREVAIL starts with the song BUCK, giving you a message to not skip the song, as “any other movement will disrupt the force that is now about to enter your bloodstream, that force is known as The Funk.” the song then starts the album with a…
Tips and Tricks from a Part-Time Ally
Rachael Albert, Junior Guest Writer Good job. By reading this article you are already one step up from being willfully ignorant. I can also assume that you either consider yourself an ally, or are trying to be one, and the last thing you want is for people to label you as a bigot. Being a…
The Placebo Effect
Aislin Freedman, Junior The placebo effect is a psychological phenomenon based on the premise of being given a fake medicine labeled as the real thing. A “placebo” is a medication, whether that be a pill, an injection, or even a medical procedure, that in essence isn’t anything out of the ordinary. In short, there is…
The Church of Scientology: Religion or Cult?
Peter Sullivan, Sophomore For those of you who don’t know, The Church of Scientology is a religious organization that preaches the religion “Scientology”. Over the years, they’ve amassed a cult following, with even some A-list celebrities being members of the church, such as John Travolta and even Tom Cruise. They also happen to be one…