Mona Gelfgatt, Senior, Co-Editor-in-Chief Get ready to see a field house full of sparkling dresses, singing teens, and breathtaking dancers, as Marblehead High School’s Homecoming Dance is right around the corner! Saturday, October 14th, expect your Instagram feeds to be full of joyous pictures of smiling kids dancing to the greatest remixes of “Party In…
Author: MHS Headlight
Halloween Candy Recipes, Part 2
Rachael Albert, Senior, Assistant Editor Part Two: I’m back with more easy Halloween candy recipes! In my last article, I gave you the recipes for Candy Dots and Crunch Bars. I also explained how to melt chocolate safely in the microwave, so if you missed that, here is a brief explanation: Melt your chocolate in…
2024 Spring Musical Announced!
Benji Boyd, Junior, Assistant Editor On Wednesday, October 4th, the Marblehead High Drama Club gathered in the choir room for an announcement they’d all been waiting for. Directors Ashley Skeffington and Andrew Scoglio were waiting for them as they filed in and set up their chairs. In a dramatic unveiling, they revealed a whiteboard decorated…
Marblehead is An Arts Town
by Benji Boyd, Junior, Assistant Editor In high school, it’s easy to lose sight of what isn’t directly before your eyes. Between keeping up with classes, extracurriculars, jobs, and attempting to fit sleep into their schedule, few students have time to appreciate what their hometown has to offer. This summer, I became an intern at…
Halloween Candy Recipes
by Rachael Albert, Senior, Assistant Editor October is here, which means it’s time for pumpkin spice, and more importantly, Halloween candy! But why go out and buy candy that is so easy to make at home? Today I am sharing with you easy and family friendly Halloween candy recipes with no oven or stove required….
Mr. Richard’s Interview
by Ila Bumagin, Senior, Co-Editor-in-Chief Meet Dan Richards, new Assistant Principal for grades 11 and 12. Assistant principals often get a bad reputation. But Mr. Richards proves there is a fun side, too. Mr. Richards has his graduate degrees from Salem State (Education Administration Leadership) and Cambridge College (Negotiation and Conflict Resolution). He has worked…
Farewell to Mr. Bauer
Mona Gelfgatt and Ila Bumagin, Juniors – ASSISTANT EDITORS As Mr. Dan Bauer’s seventh year at Marblehead High reached its midpoint, we were sad to hear he would be moving to Danvers to be their school superintendent. But, he has left a wonderful legacy in his wake. Before working at Marblehead High, he was vice-principal…
Nantucket Scouting
Samuel Jendrysik, Junior Over Memorial Day weekend, Marblehead’s Troop 79 chose to unwind by taking their yearly bike trip to Nantucket. Every year, on the night before the trip, the troop meets in the parking lot of the Clifton Lutheran church. They then put their bikes on the trailer that will take said bikes to…
Caught in the Tailspin
Aislin Freedman, Junior On June 1st and 2nd, at Marblehead High School, a play titled Caught in the Tailspin was performed. The cast and crew were all students from the high school, but unlike many other high school plays, this production was also written by a high school student. Molly Grant wrote this play, which…
How to Listen to Great Music with no Wifi!
Rachael Albert, Junior We live in a world where we can have any song we want with a simple search into Spotify or Apple Music, but sometimes we want to relax and not fiddle with the annoying bluetooth, and listen to the caveman technology that is the FM radio. With limited station options, you certainly…