What happens when we are not seeing anybody? Perhaps this is an opportunity to get dressed and look nice for ourselves. We deserve to feel special at any time, on any day, under any circumstance.
Category: Opinion
The Crown: Ruining the Royals
Because, like you and me, we all go for a daily horse trot at 2 o’clock. Here, I really started to see the spoiled-rottenness of the royal family, and as a warning, you might too.
Super Bowl Review: Should Pats Fans Root for Brady?
Throughout the game, as well as Brady’s entire season with Tampa Bay, Patriots fans were presented with a question: should we root for Brady, the player that we love and who gave us six prior wins? Or do we root for Kansas City because of Brady’s betrayal?
The Remote Reality
Those seeking to protect their health during a pandemic should not be treated as second-class students because education should have to come at the expense of safety.
Movie Review: A Midsommar’s Nightmare
Midsommar showed some promise; the first half of the film was thrilling, and I was sitting on the edge of my seat, excited for the next twist or shocker. The movie was perfect until its halfway point, and things turned for one specific reason…
Album Review: bohemianvoodoo’s Bouquet
The EP does what it wants and doesn’t waste any time.
Movie Review: Pixar’s Soul
It’s a powerful message, and like every Pixar movie, it’s emotional.
How Do We Stop Far Right Radicalization?
When the establishment media is fake news, anonymous Reddit users can be upheld as the arbiters of truth. Like cults, far right communities have their own terminology, which keep outsiders in the dark.
Finding Yourself Amidst This Chaos
Lists and lists of things to do can crowd out any room left for decompressing, and it is easy to get lost in this hustle. This is action, but action without thought is, dare I say, meaningless.
Five Tips to Love What You Do
My boss does this unusual thing occasionally, where he asks me if I enjoy what I do, and if I am happy in my position. While I was initially taken aback by this question, I have answered yes, 100%, every time without fail because since my start date in August up until this moment, I feel that I am learning.