Lists and lists of things to do can crowd out any room left for decompressing, and it is easy to get lost in this hustle. This is action, but action without thought is, dare I say, meaningless.
Hybrid or Remote… Which One Gets Us Going?
As we consider which route we’ll take, we think about both the safety and efficiency of the outcome. After interviewing a few students at MHS, I got a bit of an insight into what students experienced with both remote and hybrid learning would like to experience.
Pantone’s Colors of 2021
These selections are supposed to set the stage for the new year, and it seems like in these unpredictable times, even Pantone is confused. Therefore they figured they might as well put happy, sunshine and sad, pavement colors on their roster, so all the bases are covered for how 2021 might turn out.
Five Tips to Love What You Do
My boss does this unusual thing occasionally, where he asks me if I enjoy what I do, and if I am happy in my position. While I was initially taken aback by this question, I have answered yes, 100%, every time without fail because since my start date in August up until this moment, I feel that I am learning.
Peanut-Butter Blossom Cookies: The Recipe YOU Need to Try!
These cookies are not your average holiday sugar-cookie. If you are looking for something fun to do with a younger sibling, or simply a treat to whip up for your family, look no further!
TV Show Review: The Queen’s Gambit
A chess game may come off as boring—who wants to watch two people sit silently and move wooden pieces around? This is exactly what makes the show so impressive.
Album Review: Palo Alto by Thelonious Monk
They all give it their all, and none of the songs become tiring. I was surprised by this as some of the songs are very long—one even reaches 14 minutes!
Christmas in 2020
Who would have thought that Christmas in 2020 would end up like this? Now we might not have our grand family gatherings or usual traditions, but the holiday spirit is here.
Winter Sports Are Looking Different This Year
Saylor Caruso expressed her feelings toward the season saying, “Well, it’s going to look different this year. I’m excited for the season to begin and look forward to competing along with my teammates.”
A Cookie Compilation
Even if your holiday festivities look very different than in past years, you can still whip up delicious treats for your family. All of the recipes were created by me and are gluten and nut free so everyone can enjoy them!