In Marblehead, a town where 8,144 households have at least one person under age eighteen, it is inevitable that there will be hundreds of children walking to and from school each day. In addition, the lack of school buses increase this number. Walking to school is great exercise, and often gives children a great way…
Mother Nature
Black History Month
On February 1st, Black History Month commences. All throughout February, we celebrate the achievements, excellence, art, and culture that surround the Black experience. Whether it’s with fun facts, quotes, or accomplishments, Black History Month holds an educational basis for everyone. It’s a learning experience to reflect on Black History that’s not often shown in the…
What the Heck is Going on With Pet Express?
This past weekend as I traipsed through the Liberty Tree Mall after watching a movie, my friends and I passed the Pet Express store. At that point it was 9:30 at night and I did not like what we came across. Behind a grated barrier and layers of glass, 25 adorable puppies were staring at…
How One Paragraph Wreaked Havoc at Marblehead High School
As the environment in the United States grows steadily more polarized, it seems that many people are forgetting the fundamental values and rights that define America. About two weeks ago, a member of the sophomore class at Marblehead High School posted a controversial opinion about the women’s march that took place on January 20, 2018….
Marblehead’s Post-graduate VOICE Program
The Marblehead VOICE (Vocational Opportunities, Independence, and Continuing Education) post-graduate program is for students 18-22, who have either graduated or received a certificate of attendance from the high school Bridges program. VOICE focuses on community, life skills, vocational experiences, internships, and exercise. It is also about gaining and practicing interview skills and preparing for a…
“Trump’s Comments Are Hurtful, But I Know Who I Am”
Referring to Haiti and Africa as “shithole countries,” President Trump’s ignorance was derogatory and offensive, but it did not undermine the intelligence and tenacity of people who better our country each day through their dedicated work. This weekend, I sat down to speak with Luna, a health care worker who immigrated from Haiti and has…
The Art of Dining
To dine: to eat the principal meal of the day. ( When we hear the term “dine,” we commonly think of eating a main meal, such as dinner. The idea of dining always seems to be associated with poshness. This association may be because when we picture people dining, we often picture well-dressed people chatting…
Riverview School and Cape Cod Community College Post-graduate Opportunities
The Riverview School is in East Sandwich, MA. The school was designed for special needs students. There are two programs offered within the Riverview campus. One of the programs is for students in grades 7-12. The other program that I attended is called the Grow Program, which teaches students between ages 17 to 22 independent…
Why I’ve Decided to Live A Zero-Waste Lifestyle
Inside my family’s house there is at least one trash can in every single room. Every week, we haul our 32 lb. garbage can on the side of the road so it can be picked up by the garbage truck. Last week, when I looked down my street, I saw that each home had their…