By: Miranda Connolly, Senior What makes something iconic? What makes something go down in history? Both of these questions can be answered by taking a look at the band ABBA, one of the most successful bands in the history of mankind. Although the band was formed in 1972, they released their most recent album, Voyage,…
Author: MHS Headlight
Elections in the Philippines
By: Michael Piper, Junior On May 9, Ferdinand Marcos Jr. won the Philippines presidential election, triggering protests from activists concerned about human rights and democracy in the region. Marcos Jr, who goes by his nickname “Bongbong,” is the son of the former dictator Ferdinand Marcos, who ruled the Philippines under martial law from 1972 to…
Album Review – Lifted
By: Benjamin Burns, Sophomore I am reviewing the new album Lifted by Troy “Trombone Shorty” Andrews. It was released on April 28, 2022 by the famed record label Blue Note. There are featured artists on the album, but the main performer throughout the album is Andrews. I thoroughly enjoyed this album, and it exceeded my…
The Number Three
By: Aislin Freedman, Sophomore If you’ve ever read Harry Potter by J.K.Rowling, or Percy Jackson by Rick Riordan, or A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L’Engle, then you may have noticed a pattern. These three books have three main characters, or main trios. Three is also the number of primary colors, both in light and…
Met Gala 2022
By: Mona Gelfgatt, Sophomore The Met Gala is held annually on the first Monday of May in New York, and this year it did not cease to impress us! It is a glamorous fashion show where you’ll see the most beautiful, extravagant, and some-times the most unexpected outfits. This year’s theme: Gilded Glamour. Gold dresses,…
Take a Hike
By: Mona Gelfgatt, Sophomore Whether it’s a staycation or a vacation, get out of bed and take a hike. Spring is springing. The birds are chirping, the sun is rising, and trees are finally blooming. Why stay in bed when that’s what you do every day? The best way to get out there and get…
Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard
By: Miranda Connolly, Senior Johnny Depp first met Amber Heard in 2009. They were both filming for The Rum Diary. Little did Johnny Depp and Amber Heard know that in 13 years they would be in the middle of a defamation trial being broadcasted to the entire United States. The movie was released in theaters…
Acapalooza at MHS
By: Ila Bumagin, Sophomore Friday night concerts are the best, and last Friday’s Acapalooza was no exception. Marblehead High School’s a cappella groups were joined by Northeastern’s Nor’easters and Salem High School’s Witch Pitch?. If you don’t know MHS’s singers, there are two auditioned groups, Luminescence (which I’m in) and the Jewel Tones, along with…
Preparing to Vote in College
By: Alexis Earp, Senior Admission letters are received. Enrollment fees are paid. Students pack their belongings and move to a new place to continue their education. With all of the stress and excitement that comes with starting college, many students will forget about other important milestones that often coincide with the beginning of their post-secondary…
A Declaration of Love
By: Anya Kane, Freshman The breeze lifts her hair off her shoulders, the blonde bob twisting and turning in the summer air. The sweet smell of sunflowers and forget-me-nots fill my senses. She raises her arms to smell a towering sunflower. Sunflowers, adoration. Zinnias, everlasting love. She smiles, and not even the sun could match…