Open scene. I’m cutting the plastic netting from a newly christened Christmas tree with a cheese knife. I’m using a short, stubby cheese knife because I want to reduce the likelihood of my getting stabbed, or stabbing my sister. If I stabbed my sister, even two weeks in advance, it would probably ruin Christmas. But…
Hanukkah Through the Ages
Hanukkah dates back more than 2000 years to 156 BCE. It is a celebration of both the hard-fought battle between the Syrians and the Jews and the repairing of the temple which had been previously ransacked by the invaders. The Hanukkah story focuses on two significant people: Judas Maccabeus, the leader of the Jewish army,…
This is what Democracy Looks Like!
On Friday, the 6th of December, students from all over Massachusetts gathered in Copley Square in Boston to push for a Green New Deal. Most of the strikers skipped school to attend the protest, however, because there was a professional development day at MHS, students from Marblehead were able to attend without missing the school…
Naval Base in Pensacola Hit by Active Shooter
Last Friday, a naval base in Pensacola, Florida was ravaged by an active shooter, leaving four dead. The 21-year-old shooter, Second Lieutenant Mohammed Alshamrani of the Royal Saudi Air Force, was receiving training in the United States. This is a common practice–currently, there are more than 5,000 international students from 153 countries receiving military training…
AIDS Awareness Month in America
December brings many things, such as holiday joy, snow, family, and togetherness. However, it also brings awareness to the disease of HIV. This is the virus that can lead to AIDS. December 1 is World AIDS Day, and the whole month is dedicated to the remembrance of those killed as a result of AIDS, as…
MHS Students Participate in ADL Training
Every two years, Marblehead High School and Team Harmony host the Anti-Defamation League’s (ADL) peer training program, which began in Boston in 1985. Team Harmony is a club that works to promote diversity and combat bias at MHS. Over 60 million people worldwide have been trained as a part of this program, and over 200…
Veganism: Should You Do It?
Veganism encompasses not only food choices, but also what one does and does not choose to wear or buy new at a store. Vegans are committed to living a life that does not intentionally harm animals or the environment. So no, one partaking in this movement does not buy new leather boots or wool socks….
The Senior Parking Lot: A War Zone
It’s 2:29 pm on a Wednesday afternoon, and I have one goal: get to the parking lot and out to the street as quickly as possible. I race to get into my car and get in the line to exit the senior parking lot. During my walk through the parking lot, I dodge countless cars…
Christmas Walk
‘Tis the season of celebrations and town traditions. As the holiday season descends upon us, many of us have already decided how we will be greeting it. Houses have started to be decorated for Christmas or Hanukkah, Thanksgiving being only a flash in the frenzy of buying and preparing. The boy scouts have started selling…
What is MHS Grateful For?
I am grateful for car ride playlists, old friendships, and the family I come home to every day (not in this order). I am also grateful for when I understand my math homework, have time to watch the sun set, and laugh with my tablemates in art class. Some of these things that I appreciate…